Sr. No. Team Name Mentor Name Discipline Lab Name Lab Code Experiment Name Beta Hosting Link
1 OTS Dr Arvind Pandey Computer Science & Engineering Programming for problem solving lab using C KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP that takes two operands and one operator from the user and perform the operation and prints the result by using switch statement Under Review
2 eyodhdha Dr Arvind Pandey Computer Science & Engineering Programming for problem solving lab using C KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP to calculate the area and circumference of a circle Under Review
3 Graphics Demons Dr Arvind Pandey Computer Science & Engg Programming for problem solving lab using C KCS-101/KCS-202 WAP that calculates the simple interestand compound interest. The principal amount, rate of interest and timeare entered through the keyboard Under Review
4 Coding Hunt Dr Arvind Pandey Computer Science & Engineering Programming for problem solving lab using C KCS-101/KCS-201 WAP to convert binary number into decimal number and vice versa Under Review
5 Zodiac Dr Anurag Chauhan Computer Science & Engineering Data Mining / Data Analytics/ Machine Learning Lab RCS-654 Demonstration of clustering rule process on data-set iris.arff using simple k-means Under Review
6 Code Delta Dr Anurag Chauhan Computer Science & Engineering Programming for Problem Solving KCS-101/KCS-201 1. WAP to print the sum of all numbers up to a given number. Under Review
7 Code Delta Dr Anurag Chauhan Computer Science & Engineering Programming for Problem Solving KCS-101/KCS-201 2. WAP that accepts the temperature in Centigrade and converts into Fahrenheit using the formula C/5=(F-32)/9. Under Review
8 Code Delta Dr Anurag Chauhan Computer Science & Engineering Programming for Problem Solving KCS-101/KCS-201 3. WAP that tells whether a given year is a leap year or not Under Review
9 BEST Warriors Dr Anurag Chauhan Electronics and Communication Engineering Digital System Design Lab KEC 352 Introduction to digital electronics lab - nomenclature of digital ICs , study of the data sheet ,concept of Vcc and ground , verification of the truth tables of logics gates using TTl ICs. Under Review
10 Mind Benders Dr Ramesh Sharma COMPUTER SCIENE AND ENGINEERING Data Structure KCS 351 1. Implementation of Queue using array ../labs/beta/csit/DS/exp2/
11 Mind Benders Dr Ramesh Sharma COMPUTER SCIENE AND ENGINEERING Data Structure KCS 351 2. Implementation of Queue using Linked List. ../labs/beta/csit/DS/exp3/
12 Mind Benders Dr Ramesh Sharma COMPUTER SCIENE AND ENGINEERING Data Structure KCS 351 3.Implementation of Circular Queue using array ../labs/beta/csit/DS/exp4/
13 Invincibles Dr Ramesh Sharma MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Heat and Mass Transfer lab RME-552 Conduction- Determine critical thickness of insulation of metal rod ../labs/beta/me/HeatAndMassTransferLab/exp1/
14 Code Smasher Dr Ramesh Sharma COMPUTER SCIENCE AND Engineering Computer Graphics Lab RCS-653 1To-perform-3D-transformation-such-as-translation-rotation-and-scaling Under Development
15 Code Smasher Dr Ramesh Sharma COMPUTER SCIENCE AND Engineering Computer Graphics Lab RCS-653 2. To-convert-between-color-models Under Development
16 Hypertext Assassins Dr Sangeeta Arora CSE Programming for Problem Solving Lab KCS-101/KCS-201 1. WAP to check whether the entered number is prime or not. ../labs/beta/csit/ProblemSolvingLab/exp8/
17 Hypertext Assassins Dr Sangeeta Arora CSE Programming for Problem Solving Lab KCS-101/KCS-201 2. WAP to check whether a given word exists in a file or not. If yes then find the number of times it occurs. ../labs/beta/csit/ProblemSolvingLab/exp9/
18 Hypertext Assassins Dr Sangeeta Arora CSE Programming for Problem Solving Lab KCS-101/KCS-201 3. WAP to swap two elements using the concept of pointers. ../labs/beta/csit/ProblemSolvingLab/exp10/
19 The Legend Profilers Dr Sangeeta Arora CSE Web Technology Lab KCS652 1. Write an HTML program to design an entry form of student details and send it to store at database server like SQL, Oracle or MS Access.
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20 JSA Er Sheetal Singh Computer Science Data structure Lab KCS351 Searching algorithm - Linear Search ../labs/beta/csit/DS/exp5/
21 JSA Er Sheetal Singh Computer Science Data structure Lab KCS351 Searching algorithm - Binary Search ../labs/beta/csit/DS/exp6/
22 JSA Er Sheetal Singh Computer Science Data structure Lab KCS351 Implementation of stack using array ../labs/beta/csit/DS/exp7/
23 Techie Tribe Er Sheetal Singh Information technology Data structures lab KCS-351 1. Implementation of Binary tree and tree traversal ../labs/beta/csit/DS/exp8/
24 Tech-Start Mr Ajay Raj Parashar Information Technology Python Programming lab KCS 453 Program to find GCD of two numbers. labs/beta/csit/PythonProgrammingLab/exp8/
25 Tech-Start Mr Ajay Raj Parashar Information Technology Python Programming lab KCS 453 2. To write a python program Matrix Multiplication labs/beta/csit/PythonProgrammingLab/exp9/
26 Tech-Start Mr Ajay Raj Parashar Information Technology Operating Systems Lab KCS 451 3. Implementation of Bankers Algorithm labs/beta/csit/OS/exp3/
27 Phoenix Mr Ajay Raj Parashar Computer Science and Engineering Operating Systems Lab KCS 451 1. Simulation of following CPU scheduling algorithm a). First Come First Serve (FCFS) b). Shortest Job First (SJF) Under Review
28 Code Cognizant Mr Ajay Raj Parashar Computer Science and Engineering Programming for Problem Solving KCS-101/KCS-201 1. WAP to add and multiply two matrices of order nxn. Under Review
29 Code Cognizant Mr Ajay Raj Parashar Computer Science and Engineering Programming for Problem Solving KCS-101/KCS-201 2. WAP that finds the sum of diagonal elements of a mxn matrix. Under Review
30 Code Cognizant Mr Ajay Raj Parashar Computer Science and Engineering Programming for Problem Solving KCS-101/KCS-201 3. WAP to implement strlen (), strcat (),strcpy () using the concept of Functions. Under Review
31 YASH Mr Senthil Subramanian MECHANICAL ENGINEERING HEAT TRANSFER LAB 451 Calculation of Thermal Conductivity of metal rod by heat conduction apparatus Under Review
32 Web warlords Mr Senthil Subramanian Food Technology Food Microbiology KFT 352 Preparation and sterilization of media and glass ware for microbial counts. Under Review
33 Web warlords Mr Senthil Subramanian Food Technology Food Microbiology KFT 352 Determination of Standard Plate Count (SPC) in natural and/or processed foods. Under Review
34 Web warlords Mr Senthil Subramanian Food Technology Food Microbiology KFT 352 Simple and differential staining of microorganisms and their examination. Under Review
35 VAVS Mrs Rupali Computer Science and Engineering OPERATING SYSTEM LAB KCS-451 1. Implement the solution for Bounded Buffer (producer-consumer) problem using inter process communication. ../labs/beta/csit/OS/exp1/
36 VAVS Mrs Rupali Computer Science and Engineering OPERATING SYSTEM LAB KCS-451 2. Simulation-of-Priority-Scheduling-and-Round-Robin-Scheduling ../labs/beta/csit/OS/exp2/
37 Ge_Ni_U_S Mrs Rupali Chemical Engineering Heat Transfer Operation Lab KCH352 To find out the thermal conductivity of liquids. ../labs/beta/chemical/HeatTransferOperationLab/exp1